Homework Policy

  • To be honest, I rarely assign extensive homework. I believe that if we work hard in class, we can relax in the evening.  However, I reserve the right to assign homework every night Monday-Thursday as needed. It is expected that you spend at least 20 minutes a night reviewing class notes and vocabulary terms.  I will not assign homework on Friday unless it is a project or paper that needs to be worked on outside of classroom time. 
  • If you do not complete your assigned work in class, it magically transforms into homework when the bell rings. If you do what I ask, you will rarely have homework. If you do not do as I ask, you can expect nightly homework.
  • Tests will be announced in advance.  We will review in class. I also offer lunch time tutoring for exams. 
  •  Students are also encouraged to read for pleasure as much as possible.  Reading for pleasure on a regular basis is a sure way to boost all SOL scores.
  • Please turn all assignments in on time. Assignments turned in late will not be accepted. You are responsible for your own success. That involves keeping track of deadlines.
  • When a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to ask for missed assignments.  Work made up after an absence can be found on the "While You Were Out..." wall. I will not chase you for missing work. You can come to me before or after class to find out what you are missing.
  • Please turn in assignments as quickly as possible within 5 days of returning to school.I will not beg you for missed work- it's up to you to turn it in. After 5 days, it will be considered late and given a zero. 

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